"Bookworm has always struggled with handwriting in any form or fashion and he had the mindset this curriculum would be the same as the rest.  My niece told me that she had given up on cursive because it is not a requirement in school and was too difficult to learn.  As I put their complaints to the side, we dove right in and, surprisingly, they both immensely enjoyed this curriculum!  Bookworm didn’t complain.  My niece initially said her hand cramped a little, but after a couple of days exclaimed, “WOW!  I am getting the hang of this!”  Each child has improved  tremendously using CursiveLogic!  Bookworm even signed his dependent military ID card in cursive!  The last time Bookworm signed his ID card, he was given two chances to get it right but eventually had to print his name.  For him to write his name in cursive is a huge milestone for him!

- Laura, Raising Soldiers for Christ, read full review here


"Kaden finished the whole entire 95+ pages in about three weeks.  I love that it's divided up nicely to where you can do a few pages or a little more if you want.  Kaden was so impressed with how his handwriting looked that he would always do a little bit more then what I had asked each time we sat down to work.  His favorite part was the dry erase pages in the back.  He has it right now in his back pack to take with us on our next camping trip."

- Sheila, Manic Mom, read full review here


"I was shocked how quickly he moved through the book. He was very excited to see that it took learning only a few letters, and then chaining them together they made words. The more he learned, the more words he could write. . . . It took him a full 6 months to learn to print the alphabet, so I certainly wasn't expecting him to learn cursive in less than 10 days! I've noticed that while his skills have grown quickly, his confidence has grown even faster. "

Meg, Adventures with Jude, read full review here